Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Trends. And Trends. And Cake.

Okay. Because this week is Homecoming Week at my school today was hippie day. I wore a purple shirt with a VW logo on it in batik rainbow colors. Yes, I know I was a legit hippie. But i was looking around and boy, do hippies have good taste. Except for the girl who wore a green dress with black and white circles and white go go boots. I think the philosophy that you wear what you want to wear is kick-ass. And, the best part is that flowy clothes are just so comfy! And hippy-ish! And freaking adorable! So, what I am trending is:
1. Wear what you like.
2. There is an extent to this rule though. As Mark Twain said, "Clothing makes the man. Naked people have little to no influence on society." This is what I mean. Now, in today's world you would be crazy to go outside naked. The modern version of this quote would be something like 'You are perceived by what you wear. If you wear ugly, shapeless clothes, people will think you are an ugly shapeless person.'
3. There is a gap in that rule too, though. I love a good sweatpants day. Just love it.

Now, because I promised you guys cake, here is an awesome recipe.

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