Friday, December 23, 2011

It's that time of year again!

Time for Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, Time for appliquéd sweaters, Time for knee high boots. So here's a list of what to wear and what not to wear.
  • Jeans that make you look classy
  • Cotton knit sweaters
  • Jeweled flats
  • Ah-dorable knee-high anything
  • Uggs
  • CUTE scarves, that make you look British, not early hobo
  • Berets
  • Appliquéd sweaters, no matter how old you are
  • Pants you found in the old lady petites section
  • Tank tops
  • Flip flops, heaven forbid
  • Tacky Christmas nail polish (cute is okay)

Hope this does some good in the world!

xoxo grace

Friday, November 4, 2011

Late Night Realizations.

So this is mostly sh*t i pulled out of the air 'cause I haven't posted for awhile.
Christmas/winter inspiration.
1. Leia in Empire Strikes Back mainly cause it's on an icy planet. Like wisconsin in winter.
2. Gwen Stefani when she wears her freakishly cute LAMB coat that i really want but could never afford.
3.This north face coat, because it is adorable, but still functional.

Have fun with this.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This weekend is Homecoming for me and others will follow suit. A lot of this year's dresses are very colorful and in modern styles, but personally, I prefer the ruffled look. Well, this is a short post, but yesterday you got cake, lucky ducks.

xoxo grace

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Trends. And Trends. And Cake.

Okay. Because this week is Homecoming Week at my school today was hippie day. I wore a purple shirt with a VW logo on it in batik rainbow colors. Yes, I know I was a legit hippie. But i was looking around and boy, do hippies have good taste. Except for the girl who wore a green dress with black and white circles and white go go boots. I think the philosophy that you wear what you want to wear is kick-ass. And, the best part is that flowy clothes are just so comfy! And hippy-ish! And freaking adorable! So, what I am trending is:
1. Wear what you like.
2. There is an extent to this rule though. As Mark Twain said, "Clothing makes the man. Naked people have little to no influence on society." This is what I mean. Now, in today's world you would be crazy to go outside naked. The modern version of this quote would be something like 'You are perceived by what you wear. If you wear ugly, shapeless clothes, people will think you are an ugly shapeless person.'
3. There is a gap in that rule too, though. I love a good sweatpants day. Just love it.

Now, because I promised you guys cake, here is an awesome recipe.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What Now Posers!

If anyone ever tells me I have no taste I am sending them straight here, to set them straight. This article is long overdue. I am sorry, people who read my blog, for not writing soon enough. I have crap to balance here! I am in high school and keeping my friends awesome! Not to mention the fashion blog you are currently looking at. Sooooo anyways. Here are my fashion rules. And why, because I am practicing to become a Because parent.
1. I never wear the same pants twice in 3 days. or more.
2. A good accessory can change an outfit.
3. Usually I only wear shirts once every 2 weeks but if it is a layering shirt, or I wore it with a sweater it can be accepted. There are many acceptions to this rule.
4. Shoes NEED to match. So often a look is ruined because you just had to wear those ugly, ugly, ugly shoes.
5. When in doubt about your hair, stick some glasses in it. Sun or real you will look more casually put together.
6. Bags. Oh lord. Bags. As a general rule of thumb a bigger bag makes you look smaller. BUT small bags are good for Athletic people, Tiny people, and people Wearing A Body-Con Dress.
7. VPL. Please do not wear tight pants such as yoga, gaucho, or spanx without seamless panties. nothing is more tacky than big lines on either side of your pants.
8. Bra Lines. It's okay to have straps if you are someplace casual or performing some sort of activity BUT this is totally inappropriate for anyone teaching or doing some sort of instruction. There is also nothing wrong with having some lines on your back unless you are at a black tie event. BUT front lines are another story. They are awful, gross, and vulgar. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THEM!
9. Last one for today. A certain person in my English 9 class, who is in fact a sophomore, does not wear pants. It bugs the ampersands out of me. Spandex are appropriate for these three: people in Colorguard, wearing a skirt, and women taking care of a muffin freaking top. You cannot wear them as pants. Especially not with bright red fishnets. Guys will make fun of you, not hit on you. Especially because you've got a bracelet on your arm that says SEXY and too much makeup and ya aint that skinny. SO THERE POSERS!